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Premium Anti-Oxidants
Nutrients and Minerals

Main benefits of 'Boost':

1.  Helps to inhibit oxidation and deactivate harmful free radicals​​​​​
2.  Protects against cell damage that can lead to chronic diseases              such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, hepatitis, etc.
3.  Helps to slow down the aging process and improve overall skin              condition.
4.  Lowers cholesterol levels and support healthy blood sugar level.
​​​​5.  Prevents metabolic syndrome such as high blood pressure, high            insulin, excess body fat, abnormal cholesterol level.

Enriched with Anti-oxidants including Beta-Carotene, Lutein, Likopena, Vitamin C and E, Polifenol, Flavonoid, Selenium, Superoxide Dismute (Sod) and 28 other active ingredients such as : Oxxynea® 5000mg, Extract Acai Berry 3100mg, Extract Green Tea 300mg, Extract Wolfberry 1480mg, Pottasium 20mg, Magnesium 20mg, Apple Cider Vinegar 9160mg.​​

Rahmat Budiarto​​
Siti Sumartini​​
Boost, Had relieved me from short of breath and painful when breathing. Whenever I feel flu and cough, taking one sachet of boost relieve me from the symptoms of illness quickly! Now I had taken Renew and Boost together, after 3 days, my body feels light and fresh every morning. Thank you to Boost and Renew!
My name is Rahmat Budiarto,I had carbon monoxide allergy. I always cough whenever I had smell carbon monoxide from cars and motocycles. Boost, it was one of the product I took and never allergy to smoke or carbon monoxide anymore. Thank you Boost! 
I am Siti, I had been doing 6 times of Chemotherapy, 25 times of Radiotherapy and taken lots of medication ​​since after my cancer surgery. I always feel tired and always require assistance from family members and friends, after i taken Boost, my body felt better and more active without the medication. I had not go back to medication after i taken Boost!
Potassium (20mg)
Potassium is required for vascular contraction, dilation of blood vessels, muscle function, nerve transmission, intracellular signaling and hormonal secretion.
Wolfberry extract (1480mg)
Main ingredient for effective weight management. Herbal remedies using this extract have been used to treat diabetes, fatigue, cancer, poor vision, infertility and chronic illnesses. It also has anti-ageing properties.
Magnesium (20mg)
Magnesium is necessary for more than 300 biochemical reaction in the human body. It also assists in regulating blood sugar levels and to normalize the blood pressure level.
Apple Cider Vinegar (9160mg)
Rich in acetic acid and is a powerhouse of minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorous, etc. Its health benefits include weight loss, regulating diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.
Qxxynea is an extract of 22 fruits and vegetables standardized in polyphenols and bringing the same antioxidant protection as the daily consumption of 5 fresh fruits and vegetables. One gram of Oxxynea provides and Orac value of 5000. It is rich in polyphenols, flavonoids, carotenoids, lycopene and vitamins.
Acai berry extract (3100mg)
Rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti-cardiovascular properties.
Green tea extract (300mg)
Age old remedy used as a cure for many ailments. Consumption of green tea extract can aid in weight loss by increasing energy expenditure with significant effect on fat oxidation.